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Weightloss My Personal Tips

Im a 28 year old danish guy. Living life and having my own company in denmark, working with advertising.

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BMI Meaning This is the official classification of the Body Mass Index from the WHO. Meaning BMI
Normal weight 19–24,9 Over weight 25–29,9 Obesity I 30–34,9 Obesity II 35–39,9 Obesity III ≥ 40

This stric classification is good for science. To real classification of one single person it isn't perfect. For example, there is no matter of sex or age. But there are classification, which take care of this. Here is the table of National Research Council (NRC) from 1989

19–24 19–24 25–34 20–25 35–44 21–26 45–54 22–27 55–64 23–28 Ab 65 24–29

mandag den 11. januar 2010

Article 3 - 13 dietary Guidelines - Eat Healthy, Yes to Redwine and a great steak

The 13 most important dietary

It is easy to eat healthily. We have boiled some info down to 13 dietary guidelines, you can easily combine with the food you like best.

That way you can eat as you like and eat healthy at the same time. Diet councils are in descending order of importance. Before you know it, you eat healthy every day - without suffer.

1. Fruit and vegetables

This dietary advice is paramount. Fruits and vegetables contain many health-promoting substances, and you eat enough of the dollars your risk for many different diseases dramatically. You should eat 600 grams of fruit and vegetables a day, or about six pieces. Fruits and vegetables contain very well - for example, antioxidants, fytostoffer, fiber and vitamins. Most of them you can not get in pill form. If you find the six pieces of fruit and vegetables are much, think about what they do for you. The list could be much longer. We've cut it down to one good at. fruit or vegetables you eat:

a) Weight Loss

Fruits and vegetables lowers the energy percent dietary fat and energy density, so it becomes easy to lose weight. Low fat diets slim better if you eat more fruit and vegetables while you cut down on fat.

b) Improved circuit

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that counteract arteriosclerosis. It lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease - and impotence, for that matter.

c) Minor soreness and better training effect

Sport and exercise increases the need for antioxidants, and diets rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to meet this needs.

d) Less risk of cancer

More fruit and vegetables is the best documented dietary guidelines for the prevention of a wide range of cancers.

e) Multiple vitamins

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of particular vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and folate.

f) Improved glycemic control

Fruits and vegetables contain special dietary fiber that contributes to a more stable blood sugar curve - and hence a more stable energy level, both physically and mentally.

2. Swap the fat out with something better

This dietary advice is to swap out fat-rich foods with low fat, resembling as much as possible. It lowers the fat content of diet in a way which is to live with. This advice is particularly important if you want to lose weight and have a tendency to obesity. Barter principle is simply based on that you replace the fat that you eat now, with something similar that just contain less fat. You must do this instead of simply removing everything that contains fat in your food. That way you avoid creating gaps in your diet and you can continue to eat you both satiated and satisfied.

Swap these foods out from today!

Change the bold imposition lean out with something that resembles as much as possible - it does not go beyond taste. Change the example to impose from the Green Butcher.

Drop chips, eat salt bars.

Change the full-fat cheese out of a thin, such Cheasy or cottage cheese.

Use healthy vegetable oils instead of butter and margarine in cooking.

3. Take exercise

It may sound strange to "take exercise" is a dietary advice. But diet and exercise can not be separated when it comes to healthy lifestyles. They are both very important and interact in many different ways. If you exercise, you get more inclined to eat healthily. Exercise also makes you better able to withstand and to eat too much fat. Your body may be altogether better grasp dietary excesses, when regular exercise.

4. Eat many whole grain products

Wholegrain products include wholemeal bread, breakfast cereals as All Bran Flakes, Fitness and muesli, brown rice, wholemeal pasta and bulgur. Whole grains are healthy because they contain many carbohydrates, especially in the form of starch and is low in fat.

5. Go crazy in seafood

Fish and shellfish contain many nutrients that otherwise it can be difficult to get enough of. This is especially the n-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iodine and selenium. N-3-fatty acids and vitamin D are especially in fatty fish and fish imposition of fatty fish (eg herring, salmon and mackerel), while iodine and selenium found in both fish and shellfish, regardless of how rich they are. "All seafood also contains protein and a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals not found in other animal food or vegetable products. Because of the risk of heavy metals is a good idea, especially pregnant women vary between obese and lean sea products.

6. Meat is healthy, but watch the fat

Kødfedt is not healthy for your body, so intake should be kept low. But as is the case with milk, then meat also contains a number of important nutrients. Lean meat is a good source of protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, chromium, molybdenum, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B12. Pork and beef can easily be used if only you choose the right cuts - eg skinkeschnitzel and beef filet. Chicken and turkey you can safely eat off of - but avoid skin.

7. Eat as much as you can - and often

Here is good news. Many believe that the biggest problem in our eating habits is that we eat too much. But you are not healthier or leaner by eating small amounts of food. Rather the contrary. If you eat the right kinds of food, then you should probably eat more food than you do now. Healthy, low fat food with plenty of whole grains and coarse vegetables fills for more on the plate than unhealthy, fatty foods.

8. Satisfy your sweet tooth

Moderate consumption of sugar and sweets will help immediately and noticeably on your mood. And as long as consumers do not get out of hand, and the diet is otherwise healthy and balanced, a little gluttony make it easier for you to keep a low fat menu for a long time to come. It is easier to stay away from fat dish when you can afford to sin now and then. Sugar saturates the better, and stimulates burning more than fat. But it is important to choose sweets, which do not follow a lot of hidden fat, such as in chocolate.

9. Drink you just completed - in water

Your thirst sensation ensures that you do not die of thirst, so long as you have water within reach. But it is not enough to rely on if you want to keep your optimal hydration and constant - and you. Thirst feeling, entail the risk that you will go a lot of time on half-empty water stores prior thirst send you off to the tap. During the period you are not functioning optimally, then fluid balance has a very strong impact on both your physical and mental condition. Water drinking is a matter of habits and routines in your daily life - 2 liters of fluid a day is on the low side.

10. Drink you not fat - in milk

Milk fat is perhaps the most unhealthy in our diet at all. Milk fat has a high content of saturated fatty acids that increase cholesterol levels and promotes arteriosclerosis most. It is therefore important to keep fat intake down. But apart from the fat as milk products contain many good nutrients - especially protein, calcium, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium found in large quantities. Lean dairy products is quite o.k. This applies eg skimmed milk and buttermilk and slightly sweetened varieties as cocoa milk, ylette, Gaio and Cheasy yoghurts.

11. Eat fat - but only the right thing

Many believe that the less fat they eat, the healthier they eat, too. A typical example of man's tendency to fanaticism: either the more the better or the less the better. But such is not together when it comes to optimal nutrition. Here it is generally unhealthy to have both too much and too little. So too fat. We have been tudet ears on the fatty and harmful effects of eating too much fat. What is perhaps less known is that it also is harmful to eat too little. The healthiest food for most people is finding an appropriate fat intake, which in practice will be a moderate fat intake. This is because:

  • Fat builds up major energy depots.

  • Fat is necessary for vitamin absorption.

  • Fat keeps the skin beautiful.

A little fat promotes good taste.

In addition, it is very important to choose the healthiest types of fat. Plant oils high in polyunsaturated fat is healthiest - such as grape seed oil, sunflower oil and corn oil.

12. Eat salt sparingly

It is not so important to cut down on salt, as previously thought. Yet it is a good idea to have this dietary guidelines in mind. Especially people with a tendency to high blood pressure can have great benefit from eating less salt.

13. Drink you healthy - in alcohol

Wine, especially red wine, has a high content of some specific substances called flavonoids. Flavonoids are antioxidants and protects against particular cardiovascular disease and cancer. Many studies show that moderate amounts of alcohol - whether it comes from beer, wine or spirits - increases blood levels of the beneficial HDL cholesterol. Moderate alcohol consumption is up to 21 items per. weeks for men. In this way resembles the effects of alcohol effect of exercise, which also increases HDL cholesterol. The HDL-increasing effect is particularly relevant for men, since men's hormones make them have less of the blood-cleansing HDL cholesterol than women. Including why men are generally at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases. The reason that we always recommend wine as a "healthy spirit" is that wine beyond alcohol have a higher content of antioxidants. Beer also contains some antioxidants, but there is no pure booze. Remember that this advice applies only to moderate consumption. It is eg not healthy to drink 21 objects at once, and the 21 is not a goal - it is a frontier.

1 kommentar:

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