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What is your goal with loosing weight?

Weightloss My Personal Tips

Im a 28 year old danish guy. Living life and having my own company in denmark, working with advertising.

Take a Free BMI Test Here

BMI Meaning This is the official classification of the Body Mass Index from the WHO. Meaning BMI
Normal weight 19–24,9 Over weight 25–29,9 Obesity I 30–34,9 Obesity II 35–39,9 Obesity III ≥ 40

This stric classification is good for science. To real classification of one single person it isn't perfect. For example, there is no matter of sex or age. But there are classification, which take care of this. Here is the table of National Research Council (NRC) from 1989

19–24 19–24 25–34 20–25 35–44 21–26 45–54 22–27 55–64 23–28 Ab 65 24–29

søndag den 10. januar 2010

Article 2 - Drink Water

Tip 1: Drink water

When you have appropriately hydrated, the mucous membranes of the nose becomes more moist and prisoners virus before they do harm.

It is especially important in dry air, which tends to dry up the mucous. Tea, primarily the green, is also a good choice because tea contains immune substances tonic-type polyphenols.

Follow your thirst. Your body needs some. 2.5 liters of water a day. One liter you get from your food, so in practice you should drink 1.5 liters of water daily to maintain hydration. Obviously something more if you sweat a lot or it is very hot. Very large quantities of water serves no purpose, because you risk flushing useful vitamins and minerals in your body.

1 kommentar:

  1. Thank you for your great post, I've learnt some impotent things from your post.



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