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What is your goal with loosing weight?

Weightloss My Personal Tips

Im a 28 year old danish guy. Living life and having my own company in denmark, working with advertising.

Take a Free BMI Test Here

BMI Meaning This is the official classification of the Body Mass Index from the WHO. Meaning BMI
Normal weight 19–24,9 Over weight 25–29,9 Obesity I 30–34,9 Obesity II 35–39,9 Obesity III ≥ 40

This stric classification is good for science. To real classification of one single person it isn't perfect. For example, there is no matter of sex or age. But there are classification, which take care of this. Here is the table of National Research Council (NRC) from 1989

19–24 19–24 25–34 20–25 35–44 21–26 45–54 22–27 55–64 23–28 Ab 65 24–29

mandag den 11. januar 2010

Article 5 - Walk the dog 30 min. every day!

They say that exercise is healthy and it is recommended to be active for 30-60 minutes each day.

My exercise consists of walking with my labrador 2 times a day every day for approx. 30 min. every time. It requires the dog to be aired after all and it's even fun.
And if it's cold outside it's not an excuse, just bring a coffee-to-go with you and you will be fine. We have - 15 degrees here in denmark, there are no wrong weather only inappropriate clothing.

REMEMBER: The weather is good as long as you can breathe it!

If you do not have a dog do not give up, there is still hope:).

Find a like-minded who are ready for a walk in the park / forest / beach and find a regular at 2 to 5 kilometers.
If you are lucky enough to have a boyfriend, so is the healthiest form of exercise you grow with the boyfriend, so it's just to get started with some sheet gymnastics :).

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